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VCC updates its position on return to group riding

Trial group rides deferred to June 20/21


Offering mentoring for less experienced riders

Return to cycling update

As promised we are updating our position on the progressive return to cycling as initially outlined by the OCA on May 29, 2020. At that time the OCA followed the provincial government instructions permitting groups of up to 5 cyclists to ride together, however, subject to certain restrictions/requirements.

Trial group rides deferred to June 20/21

Due to the logistics required we feel more confident that we can comply with the COVID group riding requirements by delaying the trial. We are still committed to holding up to 4 separate rides over this weekend ranging from 70-80km at a Mixed-Social  (24-28 kph) and Tempo (28-30 kph) pace.

What we now need is to hear which club members are interested in these maximum 5 participant rides. Anyone who is interested should e-mail by Monday June 15 who will be managing the allocation of rider slots.

Once we have the level of interest and participant list finalized we will communicate directly with those attending on the riders responsibilities prior to attending.

Mentorship program commenced

During these COVID times, VCC believes that those who are starting out with the club or less experienced are impacted the most by the cessation in VCC normal group riding schedule. After discussion, your Ride Captains have offered to provide mentorship to riders who would benefit most from additional support.

This support can occur in the manner of: one on one video link/telephone discussions, suggestions on training, fueling, bike maintenance and suggestions on routes to ride. We have a diverse group to draw upon so we feel we can tailor the mentor to the individual.

Our Ride Captains have an immense wealth of experience and less experienced riders are strongly urged to take advantage of this opportunity.

Anyone who is interested should e-mail to begin the process.

If you have questions about the article above, send us an email.

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